
Your digital security made simple.

Stay secure with the industry's most advanced automated and manual testing service.
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100+ reported vulnerabilities to our happy customers.

One-Shoot Pentesting

Our one-time penetration testing service is a comprehensive assessment of your network, infrastructure, and applications to identify potential weaknesses and provide recommendations for improvement. It's ideal for businesses that want to evaluate their current security measures and identify any potential threat

Our Services

We offer a range of services designed to help businesses enhance their security posture and protect against potential threats. Here is an overview.

Continuous Penetration Testing

Our Continuous Penetration Testing service provides ongoing monitoring to identify vulnerabilities and address them in real time. This service is ideal for businesses that require a higher level of security and want to ensure that their security measures are always up to date.

Our hackers

Our team comprises highly proficient cybersecurity professionals who have extensive experience in delivering security testing services to Fortune 500 companies. As part of our commitment to democratize cybersecurity, we aim to offer the same level of expertise in automation and manual testing to small and medium-sized companies.

Benefits of conducting a pentest are:

Recognitions and

Hall of Fame

of our researchers

Why you should choose us?

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